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UER Forum > Journal Index > Citizen's blundering pseudo-UE journal > Introduction (Viewed 1832 times)
entry by Citizen 
6/26/2004 10:18 AM

Hi there, my name is Citizen, I live in Melbourne, Australia, and I'm a fraud.

My profile claims that I've been a member here for about two months, and I've been familiar with the UE phenomenon for maybe two years or so, since was briefly written up in magazine, just before said magazine began it's rapid downhill slide into the drivel it's since become.
Now in that time, it'd be fair to assume that I'd have put some pretty serious infiltrating under my belt. I'd be the uber-explorer. I'd know when to wear my tabi boots, and when to stick with combats. More daring than Jester, more articulate than Ninj, I'd sit at the heart of my own UE empire, tending my own insanely popular site, packed full of witty, incisive articles, "you are there" action, and plastered full of tack-sharp, perfectly composed 6x9 photgraphs of all sorts of amazing sites that would turn even Krenta green with envy. I'd be a God, more powerful even than Av, and the UE community would fall over themselves to stuff my bulging pockets full of money, praise and the odd Canon EOS1v.
Ermm... excuse me. I recently replaced one of the taps (faucets) in my house and I think the funny taste my drinking water has had since then might some sort of brain damaging heavy metal. Anyway, back to the point, in all this time, my exploration count has been .... 0. Yep, zero. In fairness to my lazy self I haven't been really 'into' the whole UE thing for all of those two years, but nonetheless you'd think I'd have at least roofed the local elementary school these last couple of months in between hawking my "wisdom" on this board.

So, why the journal? Hmmm... good question, after all I'm not exactly going to wow you all with my cat burglar-esque skillset now am I?
Well no, but I did think it would be an intresting exercise if I got off my arse (ass) did some exploring and then wrote about it here. It would be a sort of "How I started out as an Urban Explorer" type text. You could tune in and relive your days as an UE beginner. Stand with me as I pop my UE cherry. Laugh at my stupid newbie mistakes, wince at all the times I'm probably going to hurt myself and quake in fear of the fact you have to share a planet with people like me. It'll all be there, and maybe more, but probably less.

I suspect that I'll regret starting this. After all journals require maintenence, fresh material and at least semi-decent writing skills, and providing all that takes it all out of you, ya know?
Not that I think it'll matter. Another thing I suspect is that this journal will rapidly heamorrage readers as everyone cottons on to the fact I'm an idiot. As I watch the "Views" count struggle to pass 5, I'll probably fall into a deep depression and have no choice but to email Av, tell him that it's all his fault, that he and his stupid site both suck ass, that UErs are all losers with no lives, and to delete my account because I don't need any of you. That'll show him. You all know how much he hates those kind of emails, so keep reading, for his sake.

[last edit 7/27/2005 5:03 AM by Citizen - edited 2 times]
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