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UER Forum > Journal Index > Distracted Scribbles > First thoughts (Viewed 1975 times)
First thoughts
entry by Decoy 
8/15/2004 9:43 PM

My first thought is about this concept as a whole.

How is it all going to work out? Well, I guess that's what a test is for hmm?

But then, that answers "will it work". That's not what I asked, is it? No, It's there in plain text. "How is it all going to work out?" How IS it all going to work out?

Of course this is a cover for other smaller questions:

1 How deep will I get into my thoughts?

2 Will people think me shallow?

3 Will my fellow UE'rs even read this?

4 Will I get feedback through IM's?

5 Should I read other peoples journals?

6 Will what people think of me affect my entries?

7 How true to my thoughts will I be?

8 How much of my true self will be fleshed out in this?

8 Well, obviously, this is more personal than my replies to posts, so more of my true thoughts and feelings will be on display here. I guess that's more true to myself and less true to whatever mask of inteligence I try to hold up in the forums. Ah, internet psychology. Just who are we all and who do we think we are when there is no personal contact in such an open place as this Resource? I love it.

7 I guess I'll be true to my thougts. It's a personal dialouge... monolouge. I'm not a scitzo(sp)... This is me talking to myself. Can I hear me now? Can you? I hope so on both counts for both our sakes.

6 I hope that what people think of me will not stunt my entries. Rather, I hope that their feedback will help my entries to grow and improve, if there is such thing as a good or bad entry. So I hope that what people think will affect my entries, but not that what they think of me will.

5 I guess I should go out and look at what others are writting. The last thing I'd want to be is self-centered. But then again, the internet is all about self-gratification isn't it? Will other people care that I read their thoughts? When it all boils down... I guess that the best way to approach it is to remember that I can't expect to have people reading my crap if I don't go read theirs.

4 I hope so, but there's no sense worrying about it. I wonder if there's another way to get feedback.. if so, this'd be more like a bulletin board than a journal, but, what's in a name, eh?

3 Again, hoping so, not worrying about it too too much.

2 Will people think me shallow? Well, that's up to them I guess. I suppose that this ties into the 6th question and is more of an insecurity than an actual question to myself.

1 As deep as time/interest/confidence warrants. That, is one case where a test is needed. Which is what this is, and I've answered my own question for myself. What's my answer? Well, I'm not too interested or confident enough to get that deep into this question. Which, in itself, is an answer, isnt it? Heh. Little mental jerk-off there. Sorry, think not on it.

So lets hear it for a great first entry huh? Honestly, I didn't think I had it in me. Catchya on the flip flop.

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