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Infiltration Forums > Rookie Forum > First Aid Kit and Injuries?(Viewed 24006 times)
.DNG location:
BC, Canada
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Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 40 on 7/18/2019 10:33 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Knock on wood, no. Rolled my ankle when I was in the bush one time, so I never leave home without a tensor bandage or ACE wrap. It's a bit bulky, but can easily fit in your pocket. It's good to be able to hike yourself/your buddy out if it's a minor injury rather than calling EMS and risk getting caught tress passing (of course if it's a serious injury or head injury I would always call 911. Better to make it out alive and worry about trespassing consequences later).

I generally use the context dependent method for packing first aid, but keep a larger kit in my car. Here's a suggestion:

Pants with tactical pockets or a belt with clip-on IFAK can be good and bought cheap on Amazon, etc. That way you can carry lots of things without putting weight on your back.

I tend to carry antibacterial wipes/hand sanitizer on me. Great for small cuts and any other nasties you might touch while exploring. Those cotton gloves from the dollar store are great for protecting your hands from rust/dust and can be easily disposed of and are cheap.

Stay safe out there.

HornetWrath location:
San Antonio
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Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 41 on 8/14/2020 12:04 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
The bulk of your medical treatment will be at home. Unless you're ok with carrying a heavier first aid kit. Yeah it'll suck to have an itchy ant bite until you're home or in your car but I'm not going to be bothered to carry itch cream with me.

Your first aid kit should have the essentials in it for serious wounds like a deep cut or stepping on a nail. Cellox is a good coagulant to stop your bleeding long enough to get out of the building and to proper treatment. There are plenty of bandages that are designed to stop bleeding as well. Tourniquets are very small and portable and can save your life.

When you think about urbex first aid be realistic about it and carry what will save your life. Not what will make you comfortable.

I'm a lone explorer because I hate people.
Trash Panda location:
Twin cities mn
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Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 42 on 8/19/2020 6:56 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Posted by KannibalKandy
Hey all! So I was wondering, has anyone gotten a serious enough injury enough to send them to the ER or need a first aid kit while exploring? If not do ya'll have a personal first aid kit you have created to take with you on explorations? I'm thinking of making one for myself and was curious what others might have to say or any advice you might have. Thank you for the help!

Glad to hear your asking these questions!! Way to be ! That’s what will keep you exploring years to come. Funny thing about first aid kits. I am the medic in any outdoor indoor exploration amongst various groups. Always have been my first aid kit Varys from aaa bats a lighter some rope and my surgical kit. Yes my surgical kit. That one was bought after my buddy pushed a 500+ pound piece of part brick part rebar part radiator part possible armored truck down a hill underground in hopes it would open up the location we desired. I used real sewing needle thread and glue to stitch him up. Later at the va the dr said that whomever stitched him is was not only Resourceful but very skilled. They thought it was done by a surgeon. Lol! Most important things are going to be - think of the worst emergency situation and get what you need. Hot hands help prevent hypothermia.

No joke. Last winter -40 degrees not windchill down to my newest exploration area after studying endlessly for months and mapping and scoping. This was a big one - even rented a high rise for the occasion. Well I thought for whatever reason that it was going to be ok to go from -40 to + 60 with warm gooey fluids up to our belly buttons wouldn’t be a big deal. I was so goddamn excited to see that little whole I could crawl through like Charlie in the chocolate factory or Alice in wonderland- only I knew what was beyond that dark precarious whole innthe way the f above I don’t even know how I’m going to get up there but there it was and I thought it would be in I went and immediately dropped to my belly button in god knows what fluid. Already sweating and shedding layers the warm water wasn’t too bad after getting out and up the wall and around the metal rusted shaft up the concrete shaft and into the hole I thought I would be fine. Didn’t occur to me that I wasn’t drying I was so busy excited seeing if everything was as I thought. Well it was getting up there in underground hours and hungry out of water and weak and sleep deprived we reluctantly made a much slower descent out of there but when I crawled out of that hole it was no joke I mean it was instantaneous freezing all below my waist.

I knew I had to move quickly to get to the car. It was unfortunate that it was parked 6 flights of dargerous stairs and 1/2 block away.

I remember thinking about the sound freezing skin made or maybe it was the sound of the frozen skin breaking every lifted step. My hands were useless I couldn’t remove my coat which at this point was 1/2 froze solid. But my legs .. that’s what got me- no matter how I tried to tell myself “ it’s just ice” I can break ice, the steps got slower and harder and I got tired and my mind wasn’t really there it was like watching bits of a movie.

My buddies voice and my last thoughts of the moment are all I remember. I couldn’t move any more I just couldn’t and I’m a determined strong human. But I was literally frozen in place. My legs froze to my tights to my under armor to my sweats to my jeans to my half down snow pants.

My buddy screaming to me seemed so far away “ take off your clothes now hurry you have to take everything off or you won’t make it”

I recall thinking this along the way up I was moving so quickly that I thought I’d make it. My hands badly frost bitten I got my snow pants unbuttoned but that was all I could manage as I slowed down.

My last thoughts were “ huh, so I guess humans can freeze in place..” and next thing I know I feel like I’m dreaming and feel like I’m being put in a car seat like a child experiencing the bits and pieces of what I can catch glimps of out the window.

It’s hours later and I’m chewing something really friggen good. Scallops from my favorite restaurant remain unnamed. Can you speak to me I hear my buddy say. I replied with some mumbling version of feed me. Hot coffee and delicious hot food fed to me. I was practically in the drivers seat with my buddy - he was holding me like a baby feeding me- my hot hands wrappers were everywhere the first aid kit had 10 and they were stuffed in places I wondered how I’d feel about had this not been the circumstances. My clothing was in the backseat which apparently we had been in the hot car for over 3 hours and my clothes were stood up froze solid in the back seat with a single line cut from the hip of my pants to the bottom of the ridiculous over sized bells on the bottom of my jeans. Favorite snow pants cut in half twice sock soaked for what’ reason we’re not solid like the pants and my buddy’s jacket and shirt. His lips were blue. He took care of me before himself after eating I passed out. He stayed awake for me and as I came to he was in bad shape too. I didn’t realize he didn’t take his underclothes off and was soaked to the bone. I dried him up with my extra clothes and helped him into his dry clothes got another coffee and kept him awake. We got to the high rise loft ate a bit more and fell safely asleep on top of one another ( for warmth 😉) when I woke up he was ok too he sat and told me that he stripped off most of his clothes in a full on sprint to get to me. This was true we went back to get them and it was unbelievable how heavy each layer was. And how long they took to thaw. My pants still in stair crouch position in the back seat frozen I’m pretty sure they stayed this way till spring lol, he told me that he went into this super nice restaurant in his under gear tights and under armor shirt he put his wet boots back on said they weighed a ton. This was also true as I woke up wearing one of the dry sets of his clothes and the only other set he had was what I helped him into. The hot hands were supposedly put down my shirt without him looking but none the matter for saving my life he was the object of my desire which he later found out. He said the hot hands coming away from my hands were ice cold he’d take them away and shake them until they warmed. I ask how he kept my hands warm and he blushed saying well you know it’s not like I enjoyed it I was already cold and you were rapidly about to become mr. Freezys frozen fantasy if I didn’t act quick.

My first aid kit contained and always has

Hot hands
Condoms ( don’t laugh I’m serious that shit saves more than lives)
I’ve pack
Water tablets
Aaa batteries
As batteries
Walkie talkie
Gorilla glue( can be used on wounds)
Electric tape
Emergency flair and glow sticks
Extra head lamp
Quick clot( that stuff is nasty but it’s effective and when needed it’s a blessing)
Nasal breathing tube
Ibuprofen and an old oxycodine from my old rx long long ago ( Just Incase someone is hurt so bad the only option is pain relief to get them lifted carried out of there)
Steri strips ( make friends with steri strips they are a life saver)
Various medical tapes
Alcohol swabs and pads
My old needle and thread sewing kit
Epinephrine pen
And I’m sure there’s more I just can’t think of at the moment but most important stuff I listed

Steed location:
 |  |  | Daehanmindecline
Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 43 on 8/19/2020 10:05 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Posted by Trash Panda

My first aid kit contained and always has

Hot hands
Condoms ( don’t laugh I’m serious that shit saves more than lives)
I’ve pack
Water tablets
Aaa batteries
As batteries
Walkie talkie
Gorilla glue( can be used on wounds)
Electric tape
Emergency flair and glow sticks
Extra head lamp
Quick clot( that stuff is nasty but it’s effective and when needed it’s a blessing)
Nasal breathing tube
Ibuprofen and an old oxycodine from my old rx long long ago ( Just Incase someone is hurt so bad the only option is pain relief to get them lifted carried out of there)
Steri strips ( make friends with steri strips they are a life saver)
Various medical tapes
Alcohol swabs and pads
My old needle and thread sewing kit
Epinephrine pen
And I’m sure there’s more I just can’t think of at the moment but most important stuff I listed

At first I thought this said IV pack, but I'm guessing ice pack? Guessing you explore far away from any hospitals.

Abby Normal location:
Las Vegas
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Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 44 on 8/20/2020 2:17 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Last year I was up at the Delamar mine for a few days of exploring. It was a cool but sunny afternoon and I was walking downhill through the brush on the way to camp. Just as I stepped down off of a rock I heard a short rattle. Can't mistake that sound! Fortunately I had stepped down onto my left foot and he was to the left of my foot. That let me make an immediate spring off to my right and away from him. What was super lucky was that he was all stretched out sunning himself when I startled him. He wasn't in a position to strike, so my jump got me clear. Had he heard me coming earlier and got coiled a bit, I would have certainly gotten struck. My left foot landed within about 3 or 4 inches from him.

After my heart quit racing, my exploring partner had a discussion about the whole thing and learned a couple of lessons:
- I have a first aid kit, but it wasn't where he would have been able to find it
- Neither one of us knew the proper first aid procedure for a rattle snake bite
- We were in an area where there is rarely a cell signal so our phones would have been useless
- I have a SPOT tracker, but he didn't know where it was or how to use it

Yeah, we sound like idiots. But does everyone in your party know the proper answers to those questions? It sounds corny, but I've started holding short safety briefings with anyone that I go out with. I let them know where the safety gear is. I show them how to turn on the SPOT and which button to push in an emergency. We should probably write down a contact name and number for each person in the party in case someone has a medical issue.

This guy was plenty pissed that I interrupted his nap.

Abby Normal

"Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem." Ronald Reagan
Abby Normal location:
Las Vegas
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Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 45 on 8/20/2020 2:39 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Another thought.

A first aid kit should always meet two criteria:
- The kit is stocked with items that are appropriate for the level of training of the first aid provider
- The kit is stocked with items appropriate for the type of injuries that are likely to be encountered

When I went through EMT training in college, I knew how to use every item in a very well stocked kit. I could speak with a doctor or nurse using the proper vocabulary and description of symptoms. That's all gone 40+ years later, so the very same first aid kit would be mostly useless to me.

Now my kit contains items for small cuts and scratches, and also items to stop major bleeding like you would encounter in a traffic accident.

When I head underground, I only take a few trauma dressings and bandages. Anything less than that can wait. Anything worse than that will require a trained rescue team.


"Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem." Ronald Reagan
CrypticLore   |  | 
Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 46 on 10/16/2020 5:37 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
I carry a full trauma kit.
(Note) I didnt realize i already posted here

[last edit 10/16/2020 6:55 PM by CrypticLore - edited 1 times]

Skyler_   |  | 
Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 47 on 10/24/2020 2:53 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
I also do a bunch of backcountry camping so I always travel with a full first aid kit including splints and compression bandages. As someone who has dislocated their knee 2 hours into the woods outside cell phone range always make sure you are carrying supplies to get you and others with you safely out if something unexpected happens.

Depending on what I am doing I will sometimes leave the kit in the car if we aren’t going far from it and have someone who could run back for it if needed.

Crunch187 location:
Colorado Springs
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Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 48 on 3/17/2021 10:02 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
For first aid and medical I prefer to make my own medical kits with or add on to the store bought kits. The only kits that I would say are worth it from the store or bought online are North American Rescue. The best thing is to make sure that you are trained on every piece of medical or other equipment that you carry.

Sturks location:
Columbus, OH
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Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 49 on 3/17/2021 2:20 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Everything here has already been said, I like to toss energy gel or some sort of sugary snack in my kit for low blood sugar plus after being injured some caloric intake helps keep you going.

Abby Normal location:
Las Vegas
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Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 50 on 3/18/2021 12:01 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Posted by Sturks
Everything here has already been said, I like to toss energy gel or some sort of sugary snack in my kit for low blood sugar plus after being injured some caloric intake helps keep you going.

That's actually a really good point. One of the guys I explore with has blood sugar issues and sometimes doesn't have anything with him. I should throw a couple of the "energy packs" into my backpack just in case.

Abby Normal

"Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem." Ronald Reagan
Grime-time   |  | 
Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 51 on 1/31/2022 12:11 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Old bike tires cut into straps, aka commando straps, make for great tourniquet also very cheap/ upcycled save the earth type. Keep creepy!

Grime-time   |  | 
Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 52 on 1/31/2022 12:18 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
@trash panda, can you please enumerate the uses of a condom in an emergency setting. Not saying you are silly. Just for learning purposes. Keep creepy

Steed location:
 |  |  | Daehanmindecline
Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 53 on 1/31/2022 1:01 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Posted by Grime-time
@trash panda, can you please enumerate the uses of a condom in an emergency setting. Not saying you are silly. Just for learning purposes. Keep creepy

There are surprisingly more than I imagined:
-makeshift rubber glove
-part of a splint
-flotation device
-priapism treatment

Grime-time   |  | 
Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 54 on 1/31/2022 1:47 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Thank you, I never thought of these besides the tourniquet. Much appreciated fellow traveller

[last edit 1/31/2022 1:49 PM by Grime-time - edited 3 times]

Corvian   |  | 
Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 55 on 5/2/2022 1:32 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
If it helps, it is better to get a ready-made first aid kit

dirtbagdav   |  | 
Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 56 on 5/3/2022 11:53 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote

CuriousCoyote location:
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Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 57 on 5/6/2022 9:58 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote

Not here to give an exhaustive list, but a suggestion or two.

Firstly, I would just recommend you do a first aid course before you explore. It isn't a necessity for everyone, but it is incredibly valuable if you injure yourself, come across another explorer injured, maybe injured homeless... That, and doing a first aid course will sometimes supply you with first aid gear, or if not, at least give you a basic understanding of what to bring with you!

Most 2-4 person, 2 day climbing first aid kits will have what I would normally put in a personal first aid, but oh my God, the best thing to have for urban exploration is a couple C-Splints.

The biggest risk to any person exploring an urban environment is slips, trips, and falls. They can cause many injuries, but breaks are very scary.

Internal breaks are hard to set without a medical professional, and can cause further injury if set improperly and/or not immobilized! Aluminum splints are super cheap, and can be used to immobilize many different breaks, or even sprained wrists, sprained ankles, etc.

External breaks are even more difficult to treat, so setting and preparing injuries like those properly are important.

TLDR: invest in first aid training, it will answer questions you may have about first aid kit setups, and also give you incredibly valuable knowledge that is also respected by most employers. Also, Aluminum splints are neat.


Signed, Your local urban coyote.
ChirLois16   |  | 
Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 58 on 5/8/2022 11:24 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Never in 30 years have I had a first aid kit with me. I carried bandages and alcohol wipes in my backpack. Just in case I got hurt or burned somewhere. Yeah, well, I'd get something from the drugstore for a burn. I've never called an ambulance. I always had some kind of pill for headaches and stomach aches. But now carry a fridge with me where I have lancets, syringes, needles, test strips, and insulin. There are also glucagon and sugar lollipops nearby. These are for the baby. I am constantly on the safe side, as I don't know what will happen next.

Wowee location:
Littleton, CO
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Re: First Aid Kit and Injuries?
<Reply # 59 on 5/9/2022 4:26 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
I have noticed a lot of mentioning of tourniquets, and wish to say to only use a tourniquet in an emergency situation. Before using a tourniquet first try using clotting gauze and applying pressure to the area.

A tourniquet should be the last option that is used due to the fact that it cuts off circulation. A tourniquet is designed to cut off blood circulation, which can cause necrosis if left on too long. Taking one off or loosening should only be done by a medical professional.

I will stop procrastinating tomorrow...
Infiltration Forums > Rookie Forum > First Aid Kit and Injuries?(Viewed 24006 times)
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