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Infiltration Forums > Private Boards Index > Ghosts and Hauntings > Your Experiences(Viewed 3286 times)
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Philly, PA
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Your Experiences
< on 3/22/2007 4:43 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
I would have replied to an earlier thread, but they're almost outdated. So cheers to new-ness.

When I was 7, I lived in an old townhome, the tenants before us had their grandmother living with them. When she passed away [rumor was she was shot by her grandson who lived with them] they moved away and I'm pretty sure that's what I saw. She was old, carried a cane and wore a long night gown which looked pretty up to date with grandma's line of fashion from Target. I was doing dishes and looked into the dining room. She was sitting in a chair in the corner, got up and went upstairs. She also used to push people and wake them up at night by nudging them as if she were standing next to their bed, not in the bed. I saw formations in my sheer curtains at night of a stick figure and the curtains would sway at night. [Could have been the heater]. When we left, we sprinkled each room with holy water and my uncle went to the house to get it prepped for the new tenants. He turned off the lights and locked the door. A few hours later he came back unlocked the door, and every light was on. There used to be faint blood stains in the master bath tub when it was dry. There were bullet holes in the basement window screens. Creepiest fucking place I have EVER lived. It wasn't every night, just a few here and there.. I wonder what the activity is like there now.

When I lived with my aunt for a few months, she had a grandfather clock that stopped every night, she had to reset the thing every morning. Late into the night around 2 or so, someone would walk down the attic steps and drag something down the hall. She claims it happens every single night. I heard it once. Usually b.c I was asleep! Footsteps would go up and down the kitchen steps during all times of day. Lights would flicker from room to room, cabinets would be open for no reason, chairs pulled out from the table. I heard someone shut the bathroom door above me and turn the water on. She had an old tudor over 150 years old at the time. There were two sets of stairs and a small room above the garage with a servants bell that ran to the master bed. Great history to that place. She moved out 5 years ago.

Ever since then, I'm fascinated. If people believe in paranormal activity just as I do, it's nice to share stories.

Wiccan location:
Hamilton Ontario
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Re: Your Experiences
<Reply # 1 on 3/23/2007 2:53 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Wow,that's interesting! I have a few I can share,but I'm short on time.I'll write mine out tomorrow,thanks for sharing yours!

Watcher location:
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Re: Your Experiences
<Reply # 2 on 3/26/2007 6:07 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Well, I haven't had anything for a while, but my wife sure did. I was in another room doing my homework and she was in the kitchen, also working on some homework. She sent me a text message, asking me to come into the kitchen, so I did.

She asked me to look into the living room, so I did, but I did not see anything. She said that she saw something move in there, looked up, and there was a man in a long black coat standing there. I went into the living room to look around. I didn't see anything that would look like a man, but while I was in there all the hair on my arms stood up.

Then, she told me this was not the first time she had seen him. Apparently he appears in there quite often. Once she thought it was me coming home. He doesn't really seem to do anything exciting, other than just showing up where somebody shouldn't ought to be, though.

"Well, let me just jump into my time machine, go back to the Twelfth Century and ask the vampires to postpone their ancient prophecy for a few days while you take in dinner and a show."
Wiccan location:
Hamilton Ontario
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Re: Your Experiences
<Reply # 3 on 3/20/2008 3:56 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Another little story to share,I'll tack it onto this thread so as not to create another.

In a momentary lapse of sanity,I moved to Brantford Ontario in the summer of 1994. I'm originally from there,as is my family. My grandmother was dying of cancer so I found an apartment there,near an old train station and a cemetary. Brantford is rich in Native history and was once a sweet place to live but had seen quite the decline by this time,unbeknownst to me,though that is another story.

Completely by coincidence,I picked an apartment in a building that was in the exact same location as the house that I was uh,conceived in,once stood. I've seen old photos of my grandmother on the lawn,and my older sisters in the yard (my parents moved before I was born). My Mom said the house was really old and exceptionally creepy when they lived there,exactly twenty years prior.

What replaced it is a newish looking four story building,and my apartment was one of those two level jobs.

Almost immediately,I could feel something 'wrong' at the top of the staircase,which led to the bedrooms and bathroom. I could describe it as a black,heavy presence,though I never did see it. Eventually,I found myself automatically walking around this unseen thing that always hovered around the top of the steps. I would feel cold whenever I passed it,not to mention that lovely feeling of someone following too close behind you down the stairs,eek.

Anyway,I gradually spent less and less time there,preferring to be in Hamilton with my sisters,as I became pregnant with my son. The place just felt wrong,you know?

I was debating on moving,and what happened one night just after my son was born sealed the deal for me.
My daughter,who wasn't quite two,woke up in the night for a bottle,as she often did. I took her empty bottle from her crib and started down the stairs to the kitchen. About half way down,someone or something shoved me HARD straight forward and I actually fell at the bottom of the steps,as opposed to tripping down them.
Stunned beyond words but not really hurt,I carried on to the kitchen,grabbed a new bottle and filled it with milk. Still at the fridge screwing the cap on,I felt something grab my ankles,pull my feet out from under me and I landed flat on my back,milk flying everywhere. Sounds kind of funny now,but the force of it was unreal and of course by this time I was completely terrified,and home alone with the kids.
I limped back upstairs with a refilled bottle,showered,got no sleep and moved back to Hamilton almost immediately.

I have no idea who this was,but it felt like a very angry male,and I couldn't stand being there anymore. My neighbour would often tell me that she heard running up and down my staircase while I was away,and knocking on her walls.

Pardon the crazy long post,I was just thinking about this today and thought I'd share.

Noble Donor
West Virginia
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Re: Your Experiences
<Reply # 4 on 3/20/2008 1:31 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
I'm glad you shared it... Don't apologize for a long post. Stories are as long or short as they must be.

"If the door's open, you might as well stick your head in."
-- Lil-trouble
rainman8889 location:
H.T.S.F.C. Time to gain and a time to lose.
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Re: Your Experiences
<Reply # 5 on 3/21/2008 1:14 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Posted by Oherian
I'm glad you shared it... Don't apologize for a long post. Stories are as long or short as they must be.

Exactly and good move on getting the heck outta there Wiccan! Whatever that was it sounded nasty!

When I was working at the Psych, it was just a bit over a year after my Dad died. Mom had bought a house and I lived in it with her in the basement. My room was just under the front entrance and took up almost a quarter of the basement. Part of it was under the kitchen and the living room.

One night, Mom was gone for the weekend and I came home from work shortly after midnight. I was just settling into a sleep when I heard what sounded like footsteps entering the front door, walking through the living room, through the rear hallway and through one of the rear bedrooms. I got the courage up to go and check and found nothing. Door was locked, no signs of someone walking through (it was raining outside that night) and no way the person left through the back as there were only windows and all of them were locked from the inside. I went back to bed but couldn't sleep at first. When I woke up the next morning, I found myself holding a small container that has Dad's rosary in it along with a couple of other items he had from the old country. I know this may sound crazy but when I hold that container, I feel calm and somehow protected. I spoke with someone who is into the afterlife and she said it sounds like my Dad visited me. To the best of my knowledge, Dad was never in that house and that was the only time I had this happen.

Gone for a while. Be back when I'm back.
InterplanetAnna location:
Cincinnati, OH
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Re: Your Experiences
<Reply # 6 on 7/23/2008 7:14 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
When I was about 3 or 4 years old (I have an amazing memory, it scares me sometimes), my grandparents lived in an old house (I'd say built in maybe, 1920s-ish), and on one occasion everyone was out on the front porch and I went back inside to get something (my blanket, I'm sure), and as I walked into the family room/office I saw a young boy (I'm guessing about 6 or 7 years old) sitting on top of the desk just smiling at me. I distinctly remember what he was wearing and how he was sitting. His outfit was one of those old sailor-esque little boy outfits they wore back in the 1920s, around that era. Knee socks, hat, and everything. It didn't really phase me then so I just left the room and told my mum about it and that was that.

The second occasion in this same house was maybe a year or so later. I was about to walk into the kitchen and a woman walked right across the kitchen doorway. There was a wall directly to the left of the doorway, so she walked right from the wall. She looked sad and was carrying a handkerchief in her hands. She was also dressed from the same time period as the young boy. That creeped me out, more so than the little boy, I guess he just seemed to happy to scare me.

My grandparents always heard footsteps and doors closing in that house, but I was the only one to ever see anything. I always hear that children are better receptors to these things.

Those are the only two instances I've ever seen anything paranormal/supernatural/whatever you want to call it. But they've stuck with me to this day.

Infiltration Forums > Private Boards Index > Ghosts and Hauntings > Your Experiences(Viewed 3286 times)

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