Cat Call
Fri, Oct 21st, 2005
posted by Barry Kooda

My wife called me yesterday and asked if I wanted to UE the old building next to her massage office. Apparently, there was a cat yowling pretty much non stop since early morning . I'm always available for animal rescue so I headed over and it, indeed, sounded like a cat that was stuck and calling for help. When I got in, it was actually a 6 or 8 week old kitten. It wasn't feral but was afraid of being caught and continued calling for help as I crawled around chasing it under the house and then INTO the house and back UNDER the house. It was weirdly attached to the location and, although not wanting to be caught, wouldn't leave the house area into the alley or the greenhouse or anywhere else. I finally caught the little bugger and it was imediately calm but still wanting to escape. When I looked down, I had 30+ fleas on each leg. The crawlspace was crawling with them. I got 'em off, and took the kitten home for a quick flea bath then I took it to my vet and had it checked out, got it's first set of shots and had it wormed for tapeworms. When they asked me what it's name was, I said it was "Yao Ling" which seemed to fit. Since there may have been more in the old house, I went back today for a more thorough search. Always good to have a plausible excuse...