Gingerbread House
Thu, Jan 10th, 2008
posted by Barry Kooda

I was trying out my new bicycle and stumbled upon this abandoned house on a huge lot next to Kidd Springs in Oak Cliff. It's sandwiched between the park and a brand new development that put up a 10 foot fence along the property line. I noticed the old style shingles and it reminded me of the Gingerbread house in Hansel and Gretel. As I wandered around the property I came across this huge oven way in the back in the undergrowth. I looked for any bones or other remains of the old witch but the oven was empty.
OK, sure. It might be an old kiln and maybe there were plaster molds all over the place and there might have been a receipt book for a plaster company but it sure looks like the gingerbread house...