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Date: Wed May 22 17:46:03 EDT 2002 Name: Krall Location: Over here Homepage: Right Comment: Meh... I'm not in Alberta anymore change it on 2600 you bum. Date: Wed May 22 16:11:44 EDT 2002 Name: Mister Snee Location: UEC Homepage: Comment: Thanks, Krall. :D Date: Wed May 22 15:35:13 EDT 2002 Name: Erlinda Bala Location: Telephone No.392-1852, Fax No. 392-1800 Homepage: [email protected] Comment: I would just like to recommend to the members of UEC and other related cults, the private property inwhich the Malt Plant is located, is in no way safe to explore, and thus you are in bad intentions to try such activities. If you would like a tour, or gain extra information on the site please feel free to contact me with the information provided. Thank you very much, - Erlinda Bala Commissioner of Corporate Services Date: Tue May 21 17:45:00 EDT 2002 Name: Nvr2loud Location: Ancaster, Ontario Homepage: Comment: [email protected] just checked out your updated photographs of the Malt Plant. It brings back the feelings of what it is actually like to be there with friends. We feel like we're the only ones who have ever been onto the top of the tower, we sit up there for at least an hour every visit. Hope the Malt plant is left untouched for awhile still. Date: Tue May 21 00:06:16 EDT 2002 Name: Mavrick Location: Cambridge Ont Homepage: Comment: sorry, so we went and had quite a fun time exploring a vast field of concrete blocks, in the end we left leaving no trace of our trespass, and now i am addicted, so for all who are coming to this site and haven't done it, DO IT, for fuck sakes it is amazing. thats it. Date: Tue May 21 00:02:52 EDT 2002 Name: Mavrick Location: Cambridge Ont Homepage: Comment: Hey all, so this past Sunday me and my crew were bored when someone said that we were all going to a concrete yard, it was 1:00 and being bored we went. Three of us have already been there, me being one who hadn't been and a freq Date: Mon May 20 14:21:10 EDT 2002 Name: ~Silva~ Location: Bristol, England Homepage: Comment: Nice site lads, nice site. ~.^ Date: Sun May 19 18:06:04 EDT 2002 Name: Nvr2loud Location: Ancaster, Ontario Homepage: Comment: [email protected] Just read your expeditions page, I climbed the scariest stairs in the world on January 26, 2002, it was great until the police showed up because of a witness. One of the stairs broke off as my friend ascended them a short distance behind me, he fell through and caught the stair above it, he was screaming at the top of his lungs as he hung about 60 feet above the ground, baby!! He climbed back up again and opted to return back down the stairs. Date: Sun May 19 17:46:14 EDT 2002 Name: Nvr2loud Location: Ancaster, Ontario Homepage: Comment: Any comments please email me at [email protected], Hey Rebel please tell me about the Hydro plant, security is an issue, but not a reason to stop exploring the site. I didn't know about it at all. And whoever was talking about Whitby Psych. Hospital... it is easy to get in without being busted. Just walk down the sidewalk between the buildings and the yacht club along the main road. When the road is clear of cars and pedestrians, just run into the complex and hide between the buildings. Once inside any of the cottages (residence buildings) the tunnels in the basement will bring you almost anywhere (some are blocked) However, do not enter from cottage #6 as it will not allow you access to the tunnels. We got bumped by security on the way out yesturday, we just ran into the nearby survey, when stopped on the road we said "never in there, can't prove anything" and walked away. Good luck! "You can't be lost if you don't care where you are" Date: Sun May 19 02:18:08 EDT 2002 Name: Rebel Location: Homepage: Comment: Just wanted to let you know that i have had many trips over the winter months to the RL Hearns Hydro Generating plant on the lakeshore in Toronto. At the time, and it still is, mothballed and empty of personel. But on a trip there last night I was astounded to find the place CRAWLING with Rent A cops in cruisers, very aggresively patroling the perimeter. Anyhow....on my many trips (I did about 10 in all), we explored every corner of the plant and were astounded to find out that many films have been shot there in the ten years it has sat dorment. Robocop the series, The One with Chet li, Meltdown the movie....etc etc etc. There are many things that we explored and did. I could write them down but dont want to bore you at this point in time. If anyone is interested in discussing my experiences, then please msg me here and we can exchange details...Grebin..all i can say dewd is that you missed out on a GREAT opportunity to explore this place...makes the Malt Plant look like a waste of time (sory if that offends anyone)....this place was so easy to get into it was almost a sin. hehehe. To all my other UE freinds, keep exploring, thats what lifes about! Take care and peace! Rebel . |