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UEC Guestbook

Date: Sat Sep 7 23:54:37 EDT 2002
Name: Avatar-X
Location: Toronto, ON
Homepage: http://www.mapcomplex.com/avatar-x
I'd like to officially welcome everyone to my now-in-alpha-stage forum.


Please register and give it a try!

Date: Thu Sep 5 12:18:13 EDT 2002
Name: Snee
Location: UEC
I just want to write this down somewhere because I'm not sure if it would make a worthwhile entry to the Expeditions page or, indeed, if anyone reads the Expeditions page at all anyway. :D Maybe I'll add it to the Happy Hour write-up. But, at any rate, Asher recently discovered that the Happy Hour drain had been forced open by someone recently, so she and Static and I went in to check it out for the first time in months (it's been really well-sealed by the city up until now, they even welded the downstream manholes). At any rate, we explored a bit, showed Static the bizarre "party chamber" and were about to go further upstream when we heard voices from the entrance. Asher yelled back at the voices and we all headed back to the entrance to see what was happening. As it turned out, a bunch of frightened twelve-year-olds were there, acting tough or something. They ran away when I tried to get a picture, accusing us of being "pedophiles" (which, as everyone knows, live underground). At any rate, Asher chatted briefly with them, went over the usual run of questions ("what's it like down there?" "Do people live down there?" "Are there lights?") and eventually we decided to turn around and go back into the drain, since we'd attracted something of an audience at the entrance and didn't want to just walk out and away in front of a dozen some-odd local people. The kids seemed to want to join us, yelling at us to wait because they were "coming in" and needed our light, so we ran like bastards. Taking responsibility for the lives of a half-dozen twelve-year-olds in a city drain wasn't how I'd planned to spend my evening.

We ran upstream a bit to find an unwelded manhole to exit through, but they were all on a mildly-busy road. What we eventually decided was that, since Static had had a tough time fitting in through the tight entrance in the first place and didn't want to do it again to get out, I would go back out the entrance (enough time having passed that the gawkers would certainly have lost interest and dispersed), find the manhole they were currently under and signal them when there was no traffic.

So, I took a flashlight, left our camera with Asher and tromped back to the downstream entrance, squeezed out, checked that the crowd was, in fact, gone, and headed to the road we knew the Happy Hour to run under. When I got there, though, I got slightly disoriented, and ended up running down the wrong road for a full five minutes, shouting at manhole lids and peering through the holes with my light. A lot of people thought I was crazy. Eventually I got my bearings, went back to the intersection where the pipe splits and turned the right way. As it turned out, it didn't take long to find the chamber Asher and Static were in because they'd grown bored of waiting for me and were already trying to open it. In the middle of the road, a few dozen feet ahead of me, was a manhole slightly-ajar illuminated bright yellow from underneath by Static's mag-light. I ran over, shone my light in and helped them lift the lid. Suddenly, of course, the road filled with cars, so we stomped the lid into place and I scurried onto the sidewalk. (We normally never, ever pop lids in the middle of the road, but this was a special case or something.) Their next attempt to get the lid off (an unusually massive iron deal, what with being designed to be run over repeatedly) resulted in having it about halfway out of the collar when a small family sedan drove by, slowly. The woman driving the car slowed down as she approached the open manhole, despite me waving her along in a friendly fashion. Finally, she stopped and started rolling down the window, much to my chagrin.

"What are you doing?" She said, "did you open that?"

"Um, just a second, ma'am," I said, helping to lift the manhole lid away from the collar. She gaped at us as Static and Asher climbed out, filthy, in turn.

"What are you doing?"

"A survey for the city."

"You are not, that's bullshit!"

"Well, a survey OF the city, anyway."

"Close that right now, before I call the police!"

"Look, do you want to see our photos?"

And then she drove away. What a bitch.

Anyway, Static had strongarmed the lid back into its place and by this point we had accumulated our second appreciative audience of the night so we fled the scene. What a fun thing. :D

Date: Wed Sep 4 15:29:36 EDT 2002
Location: Surrey, England
I love the site, I've been into UE for a while now but all my favourite sites are being demolished so we're having to travel further afield. Keep it up and don't get caught!

Date: Wed Sep 4 14:24:00 EDT 2002
Name: aidan_cage
Location: scarborough, ON
Homepage: aidan-cage.diaryland.com
I am an infiltrator aswell, and would love to show you some of the places I've been to that are not on your site. I have visited the King Edward--which boasts three levels of abandoned floors, and an abandoned ballroom on the top--and the abandoned station below Bay. There are always other places to explore, and it's nice to see my crew ain't alone in our ambitions.

PEACE - Tristan

Date: Mon Sep 2 19:38:31 EDT 2002
Name: Slime Q
Location: Hamilton
Homepage: "COMMING SOON"
what is up with this Francis Hannaway person???? It has nothing to do with anything!

I'll take the time to write a comment in his guestbook!

Date: Mon Sep 2 17:05:40 EDT 2002
Name: Snee
Location: UEC
Argh, spam.

Date: Mon Sep 2 15:19:34 EDT 2002
Name: Avatar-X
Location: Toronto, ON
Homepage: http://www.mapcomplex.com/avatar-x
Someone should delete the two crap posts under this one... the ones about search engine placement and inkjet cartridges

Also, the dude who posted his website about his travels, also doesnt seem to relate, he didnt even seem like he read this site... oh well.

Date: Sun Sep 1 19:32:11 EDT 2002
Name: TdotOdotian
Location: Rizexdale
Homepage: canadamaltingco.toronto.on.ca
Yesterday some dudes from the city were at the malt plant. It looks like they made it so that infiltrators can't easily get in and homeless people can't easily get out. :)
So if you plan to go, plan to get in the hard way. Or at least bring some wire cutters and a crowbar :)

Date: Fri Aug 30 10:50:55 EDT 2002
Name: Francis Hannaway
Location: Middlesbrough England
Homepage: http://francishannaway.tripod.com/index.htm

Here is a link to my family friendly website. It took me quite a while to make and now I'm looking for feedback.

It would be really kind of you to take the time to have a little look at my site and then write what you thought of it in the Guestbook.

It shows stuff about where I live in England (the Birth place of Captain Cook) and my travels around the world to place like Pakistan, Poland, Congo/ Zaire in Africa and of course France.

If you would like any help or advice with website building - as a fun activity for family members - I would be happy to let you know how I made my site.


Best wishes

Francis Hannaway in England

Date: Thu Aug 29 15:08:50 EDT 2002
Name: Krall
Location: Oakville
Homepage: www.com.net
Yeah... still alive'n'kicking. Pretty surprising actually. I, for one week straight, visited the malt plant. Inhaling, that which equals 15gallons... of asbestos. I feel great.

I know that place better then I know this place I'm living in now. I wish to see you guys again, and.. WHOA.. NO.. shit :( not this week, I WAS GOING TO SAY LETS HAVE UEC 2600 THIS WEEK! But it's not till NEXT week. I miss you grebin... your sexy ways, and your facisious manner.

I was talking to the "City Of Toronto" and WHOOWHOO I realized "What if we found someone who WORKED for the malt plant?" So I looked around, contacted metronome (they know about as much as carnies know about astronomy) to see what they knew, but they had nothing more then "We have nothing to do with that company" to say to me, no matter WHAT I said.. (should have said Cactus).

I asked my uncle, who happens to be Toronto's... shit I dunno the name now, it's got to do with Economical PLanning (City Planning/Design) and has contacts for just about everything in the city. SUFFICE TO SAY I FOUND ONE GENTLEMAN NAMED RON KILBRIDE. He said he was a "Grainial Injection Specialist" and was responsible for... mixing... the grain (sounds fun).

Anyway, he told me that the whole building was, in it's time, white... when they built the addition they striped the silo's (which are now bare pavement) to save money re-painting them. He's told me so much, and in fact I'm writing a story/journal of all the times we speak. I'll upload what I have of it later this week.

I must go now, for this GOD DAMNED CAT WON'T SHUT UP!!!

- Krall

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