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Date: Mon Aug 5 05:42:22 EDT 2002
Name: switcsh
Location: Souhern Weshern Scarborough, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
lower bay is a dangerous place. Minus the presence of satan worshipers, the righteous brothers of the creator hold their ceremony there (these guys personally know The Creator). Keep in mind, if you are still convinced that you are stable enough to take the 6.5 minute-or-so walk down the tunnels connecting museum, lower bay+upper bay (door), and yonge together, then may i warn you that you must be prepared to answer to the TTC security guard once he asks "From What Tribe Do You Hail?"

lower bay has been played out! you shouldnt be trying to get fame off something you read about in your suburban yuppy parent's copy of the Toronto Star.

Date: Sun Aug 4 22:03:05 EDT 2002
Name: Jeff
Location: Central Quebec
Cool work, guys. Lots of freaky stuff.

Date: Sun Aug 4 16:20:38 EDT 2002
Name: Dan Noonan
Location: Manchester, NH
Homepage: http://www.granite-state.com
Wow, great site!!
I like the info you have here and I‘ll definitely be coming back!!!

Check out my website too:
MA and NH lead paint removal, mold removal, asbestos removal by Granite State Environmental. MA and NH lead paint removal, mold removal, asbestos removal by Granite State Environmental.

Date: Fri Aug 2 20:54:42 EDT 2002
Name: Avatar-X
Location: Toronto, ON
Homepage: http://www.mapcomplex.com/avatar-x
Actually it's even easier to get in now, no climbing or ladders or anything. But I wont say how, not here, it's easy to see anyways.

Malt Plant isn't that dangerous, the building is still very solid. The only real hazard is falling into one of the holes in the floor, which are pretty easy to see anyways.

I go there every night on my rollerblades, not inside, but just on the outside, looking if there's anyone there. One day I went and the door at the top of the "death staircase" was open, next day it was still open, and then the next day it was closed again. So people do go there during the week!

Maybe I'll see one of you guys when I'm on my blades!


Date: Wed Jul 31 19:36:54 EDT 2002
Name: The Man in the Yellow Hat
Location: Caledon
Homepage: Perhaps later...
I just wanted to say that I was in the Canada Malting Company. I agree it ios rather dangerous, we entered it last year at night which made it even worse. I was just curious did you guys go to the very very top of the building? Cause I did and I scratched my name and left an old student card up there.... but now its gone... did you guys take it? LOL Oh and there is a very very easy way to get into the building. Go to the side of CMC that faces south (towards the lake). There you should find a gate, which has barbed wire on it, but is easy to get through. Before you enter the gate area travel easy there should be a lifeguard station with a ladder on it. Take the ladder through the gate with you and climb the tree that is near the gate, put the hooks of the ladder up onto the roof and climb up. Its best to send a light person first to hold the ladder for the rest of the people, then pull the ladder up and there you go! There is a doorway which no longer has a door attached and a stairway that leads into the main room.

Date: Wed Jul 31 05:09:38 EDT 2002
Name: trev
Location: Aust
Homepage: www.bodhichittacentre.com
great site

Date: Wed Jul 31 04:59:03 EDT 2002
Name: Snee
Location: UEC
Nifty! The elevators look very cool. :D Can't wait for the photos.

Speaking of which ( :D ), the new Malt Plant photos are finally up! Yay!

Now I've just got to put up the Union tunnels, the Union offices, the Union attic, construction at Asher's old high school... errrgh.

Date: Sun Jul 28 18:54:59 EDT 2002
Name: Avatar-X
Location: Toronto, ON
Homepage: http://www.mapcomplex.com/avatar-x
I've posted the story which Nvr-2-Loud refers to, I hope you all enjoy it!


Date: Sun Jul 28 17:50:42 EDT 2002
Name: Nvr2loud
Location: Ancaster, Ontario
[email protected]

Last night myself, Avatar-X, Tekriter, Kiwi, and Pilo101 did a new infiltration. We explored the 'Port McNicoll Elevator' about 10 kms East of Midland. They are located on Talbot Rd. in the Town of Port McNicoll (Victoria Harbour, Tay Township) There are approximately 210 grain silos within the complex. This infiltration is not for the weak of stomach, the climb to the top of the complex involves your choice of several ladders located along the inside walls of the silos. You will be able to read about the entire infiltration on Avatar's website (hurry up and finish the write-up Avatar!!!) and a few pictures may be included. The night was completed with a moonlit swim in Georgian Bay at 02:30. I suggest you check this place out, we'll be returning during daylight hours to take photographs.

Avatar's site http://mapcomplex.com/avatar-x/

Date: Sat Jul 27 01:50:36 EDT 2002
Name: Jester
Location: Vancouver,B.C.
Homepage: http://www.wraiths.org/
Been checking out your site for awhile now, and now that mine is up (somewhat, having some issues with our server, not able to set up our members email accounts yet...grrrr), thought I might as well say hi. so... hi

I'm part of a group of explorers in Van. Sure doesn't seem to be many of us out here from what i've seen. Besides VEG, I haven't seen another west coast site... i guess out here we're a rare breed...


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