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UEC Guestbook

Date: Sat Mar 8 05:00:33 EST 2003
Name: Andy
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Hey guys

I just gotta say: nice site! Hope it stays up for ages yet, and gives me a chance to have a good read over. Got the link off phonelosers.org, by the way. I love drains! Although I've never gone into any, except the standard shoulder high concrete, circular waste water bridge supports. My brother and I hopped a wall beside a main road a few months back and saw an old abandoned building, with a huge concrete cover. Looked like some sort of main access place, but the cover was all padlocked..the padlocks were broken though :). Had a look down through pinholes in the cover, and there was a big long access tunnel, complete with proper walkway. Looked interesting...below that was water.

Well, thought I'd share that with you. Keep up the good work :)


Date: Fri Mar 7 08:53:51 EST 2003
Name: paula
hello!ia ma from germany!ia have to hold a talk in the school about the upper and lower bay!!i have am problme taht i don't know what it is and what to say about it!cn somebody help me please!?
e-mail:[email protected]

thank you!

Date: Tue Mar 4 10:27:12 EST 2003
Name: Snee
Location: UEC
There's an update on the way (I almost typed "on the wabe", which would actually have been kind of neat). :D Got a write-up done and lots of photos, I just need to write out its vital stats, put together a gallery with descriptions et al and link it. So it ought to be up by the end of this week at the latest.

Don't quote me on that, though. -_-

Ooh, new photos from an old drain, too. Which drain? A wonderful drain. ^-^


Date: Fri Feb 28 16:19:43 EST 2003
Name: passerby
Location: sao paulo, brazil
Homepage: homeless

Date: Fri Feb 28 09:36:23 EST 2003
Name: berufsunfähigkeitsrente
Homepage: http://www.online-berufsunfaehigkeitsrente.de
Just saying hello!

keep up the good work

Greetings from Germany

Date: Thu Feb 27 02:48:22 EST 2003
Name: Angela
Location: GTA
I really like your work with Lower Bay Subway Station. I wish I could explore it myself. I heard that there are 3 or 4 other hidden stations under the active subway. One is supposed to be under Queen/Yonge and built as a station for an uncompleted streetcar line. Do you know anything about these other stations or have any track maps going to and/or from Lower Bay or these other stations?
Keep up the great explorations.

[email protected]

Date: Mon Feb 24 19:34:14 EST 2003
Name: lizish
Location: San Antonio Texas, US
Homepage: http://geocities.com/lackofurgency/index.html
I'm a wanderer by nature. Because of your site I think I'll expand my wanderings to the inner workings of my inner city. I'm constantly inspired by people like you across the globe who have ideas like these and expand on them till they reach other people in other parts of the globe who have similar ideas. Hah, I realize there's a lot of repetition in what i just wrote, but that's just my style. Hit up my site if you get a chance. I think I'll bring a little urban exploration to my corner of the world.

Date: Fri Feb 21 15:06:29 EST 2003
Name: Melissa
Location: Warsaw, IN USA
I have been doing some exploration of my own for about a year now. I didn't realize it had a name. I am an artist, and have done some work using these areas. I enjoyed your site!

Date: Thu Feb 20 14:55:58 EST 2003
Name: Hank
Homepage: http://web.mit.edu/professional/summer/courses/engineering/6.11s.html
Great place and i really mean that

Date: Wed Feb 19 15:45:27 EST 2003
Name: ~SKULLY~
Location: Burlington/Hamilton
Homepage: http://www.EvilSkullCity.tk
You Guys and Girls are nuts !!! ( In a good way ) :-)
Keep up the great work.
E-Mail: [email protected]

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