Do NOT enter drains. Read this
Drain. Entrance.
Lurgy drain is one of those drains that show great promise when you first see it but once you get in it you wonder why the hell you ever did.
The first time we went down this drain we looked eagerly at the grilles in the street, at the big grille south of Belconnen Way and at the manhole. Initially we thought this might be the Belconnen Way drain which we had at that point not found. ( We had been wandering around after not finding the entrance due to misdirections from a friend ).
We popped the manhole and went in to explore, closing the manhole above us. That was a mistake. You see because of a weird arrangement of the step irons in this drain it is a real bastard to open the manhole from underneath. Eventually we got it open again after getting really dirty in the process.
The drain outlets are weird things because we thought at first they were inlets. But when we looked at them and thought a bit ( yeah that was hard) we figured they are outlets for like a 1000 year flood. You see the pipes leading to them run downhill from the grille room. So they are made to conduct water under Belconnen Way, not to let water in the drain as we thought. Anyways, one of them had a nice little garden in it.
We are quite keen to find out where Lurgy drain goes to as it seems to run south towards Page. We estimate that the outlet is either in Lake Ginninderra or some place on Ginninderra creek. One thing to do is to invade this drain with skateboards. Walking down stoopy drains is a bastard and we refuse to do it. Rolling down drains is much easier. This drain has a lot of potential considering its� size. It in theory has to get bigger but it is impossible to be sure.
Warning drains may be subject to bad air and flash floods. Please do not try this for yourself. This web site is intended to show you what is in drains so there is no need for you to go yourself. Draining has been linked to such medical conditions as Drainer�s Lurgy. Symptoms include severe athlete�s foot, premature baldness, infertility, liver poisoning, inability to walk straight and level and reckless acts of sheer stupidity.
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