I have lived in Atlanta all of my life.
Some people I have met/explored with: Toronto: Roadwolf Avatar-X AKRadish (Boffo) dizzywithpink Lopix
S(ue) - Southeast US: Simian Rotten Peach DJMalign AbandonedSC MunkyFistFight Mr. T(oeknee) graywolf46 rev_skarekroe thewesticle Fubster Cxxxg Roland critter blackomegax akir assj originalquocky imoto Viavinci Mark SaraBellum debina WingedNatalina Opheliaism brandnew teeth muskratwombat Tacit cosmotrkr gnarkill horrorshow
Elsewhere: abandonedpa
My Enemies: originalquocky Sarabellum
Or, go to The ORIGINAL Post-Apocalyptic Derangements