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East Bayfield Elementary School

Year: 2002
Location: North Eastern Barrie.
Status: Incomplete as of February 2002 -- should be finished by September at the latest.
Accessibility: Most of the doors are left locked at night and all other openings are boarded up -- due to it being heated. However, if you look hard enough you should be able to find a open door with some plywood stacked in front of it.
Hazards: The largest hazard would be the huge dryers fueled by propane. Other than that it is as safe as any other construction site, I guess.

Brick Layin' Rungs
February 13, 2002

Photo Gallery

Builders The School.A whole lot of us were out one night looking for possibly interesting infiltration targets. We had already found the Swift Lift drain, as well as MSUR-1 -- it was only after we found the aforementioned sites that we found East Bayfield Elementary School. There it stood, a two story unfinished structure. We took a quick look around the perimeter, well most of it, and then found our doorway in. Our entry was a small door covered with a board; thankfully it was not nailed down. In we went... once inside we found the working copy of the blueprints and a flaming heater -- presumably to keep the place warm for work and/or to dry up the wetness. After trying to no avail to photograph the heater I wandered off in search of roof access or anything else that struck my fancy. I found an even larger and much more impressive heater, SUREFLAME, as it is known. I walked around alone for a short time, pondering what the classrooms would look like when finished, then met back up with the rest of the crew (Flameout, Filter B0Y, Grebin, and Dain Bramaged). We decided that we had all seen enough and would like to find access to the second floor -- it would seem that at the time of our visit there were no stairs or the like. Since we could not find a way up via the interior of the building we opted to walk around the outside; before we left we looked at the schematics and they verified that there was no roof or secondary level access. So, out we went.
Flamedog, as it
were. We walked around the back of the building, but found no way up. Finally at the West side of the place we decided to call it a night; that was until Grebin called to us from the second story. "How'd you get up there," we asked. Grebin told us that he had climbed the rungs that were for laying bricks. After much consideration Flameout and I decided that if they could hold Grebins weight [140lbs+] they could hold ours. The first rung I grabbed seemed steady enough, so I began to climb up the side of the building. About half way up I grabbed a rung, which seemingly fell off, much to my surprise I was now balancing my weight on three rungs and holding a chunk of concrete. Hurm. It would appear that whilst working above some careless worker dropped it down onto on of the rungs, the one I had just grabbed. After throwing away the concrete I climbed up the rest of the way to an open window. I swung over to the window and in. Once in I wandered across the ice-covered floor to the next room. The second floor was far less complete than the first, but still interesting -- as far as interesting in these parts goes anyways. After wandering around and climbing up to the non-existent roof, only a few I-beams, I found that Filter B0Y and Dain Bramaged had found a ladder. Ahh well, I builder so I wasn't complaining. Anyhow, after all of us had had our good share of the sights we decided to go back down the ladder.
Such ended our trip to East Bayfield Elementary School.

Check out the Photo Gallery. You know you want to see the FLAMEDOGs, bred from the SUREFLAME.


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