Do NOT enter
drains. Read this warning!
12th January 2001
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of drain system with points of interest marked
Note: The map is not accurate and is drawn from estimates
of where features are in relation to above ground.
We hang out in this drain a fair bit because it's near where two of us live and we attended the a college not far away. The narrative below is from the first time we explored this drain.
We had heard about the Blue drain from a few friends down south who had very vague discriptions of where it was. We consulted our location sheet we had obtained from elsewhere on the internet and decided to drive south one fine spring day. We loaded into the Drain-Mobile �, filled up with gas the hit the road. Straight down towards the drain. Found a place to park then wandered down to the creek.
There was some radical graffiti on the walls of the open canal but we were short on film so did not happy snap it. We looked around for the Hellenic club because our location sheet said it was near that. Half an hour later we were sucking on ice cream in the open creek having not found the drain. Eventually we decided to walk down the canal and after figuring out the drain must lead off of the canal. We found the drain in five minutes. Some one should have mentioned another prominent landmark perhaps some certain college campus?
The drain looked shit from outside. We thought "not another shit low drain" but a peek in the entrance showed it got bigger quick.
Right at the entrance I stepped on a slime covered rock and slipped over. I landed on my front, grazing my knees, dropping my flashlight and jarring an elbow. Ow! I hurt. Pain, pain pain. My three companions for the day (Josh joined us) laughed at me like hyenas. There I was dieing in front of them and they laugh. At least we had a first aid kit.
Looking like the invisible man, with bandages on my knees and hands we still explored the drain. It got big fast. The drain is rectangular in cross section at first. The floor is covered in water so we got wet socks fast. There are a few dry patches inside it. There was heaps of graffiti or tags in this drain. Some explorers were having a blue on the walls of the drain. It seemed as though these two had gone hammer and tongs in this drain with threats back and forth.
Just about fifty metres in the drain we saw light ahead, and dreaded round concrete pipe. Should have know. All drains in the City seem to be infected with shitty round pipes. Surely some one had some imagination. Some where out there must be a mythical totally square concrete drain. Or maybe even some non concrete drains? Our shoes were wet through by now so we were kind of glad to get on to some dry land. Round pipe be stuffed. At least our shoes could dry out a bit.
We soon came to a nice grille room. Not too big. Plenty of light. Not much graff. We found tags from the Cave Men, including Rabbit, their leader. They left their email address there as well but when we mailed them they didn�t mail back. There is an interesting side pipe in the grille, it was a pain to crawl up it, but well worth it.
The Big Room.
The big pipe continues right on, it is one of the biggest pipes in the City, of equal size to the tunnel in Secret Squirrel�s drain. About a hundred metres from the grille room is a room.
When we first saw this we thought it was a big cross tunnel. It confused us as to why the drain would need a huge cross tunnel. Instead we found a room, in the true sense of the word. There it was, a room in the drain. Some little vents let in light as we wandered around to look at the room. Amazing, a square room right in the middle of the drain. Weird, but cool.
As you can see, there is some good graffiti in the room, and of course some bad.
The big tunnel continues to the west, curving to the left as it noticeably rises up a hill. There really was not much to see once past the room. Just an occasional bit of graffiti. Eventually as the drain heads south we came to a split. There were tags from several drain explorers. Down the smaller drain on the left we could see light. Even though there was a sign saying "to hell" we decided to go down there.
From the smaller drain on the left we heard the flow of water, and saw light in the distance. Even though the pipe had the words "to hell" above it, we decided to go down it. We headed for the light. Now a bit of a way down there we had to pass through this run off pouring in from the top of the drain. Ohh, drain water, evil stuff. We did get wet which sucked. Then there were all these rocks and junk in the bottom of the drain that we had to hobble over. But finally we saw the light.
At the end of this side tunnel is a great little vent with a view over a small park and barbecue right by a busy road. When we arrived there, we found several people in the park. It was amazing, the four of us stood in there watching the scene, completely unobserved ourselves. It occurred to us that this would be a great clandestine meeting point for all those Water Mitty types.
" Psst, the black crow poos on the giant log."
" Walter? Oh there you are, in the drain. I have the money."
" I have the secret German V2 plans, let us swap."
Well maybe not such adventure in the drains. It did occur to us that this would be a great place to order a pizza to. Imagine the delivery guys reaction.
Back down the right branch from the split the drain wends to the right, back west again. It does not take long till then end is reached, where the drain gets low and shit. In all we really liked this drain. It has lots to see and is easy to walk in.
WVH drain is right by the hospital it was named after. This is a nice drain, quite pleasant to explore. Goes nowhere special, does nothing exciting. A bit like our priminister really, plain as can be. But for some reason we really like this drain, probably because it is nothing pretentious. It says "Hey, I�m a no frills drain" and it delivers on the promise.
We found this drain one day when driving down to the weekend markets at Blue Drain. We had driven down from the Bat Cave in the Drain Mobile � which had been bogged in a park after a barbecue. We cut through a few streets then got lost and ended up on a street heading down to the valley. When we reached an intersection we turned on to the road running by the creek and noticed the drain entrance.
As per usual you can�t park in the City streets, so we ended up parking in a side street and walking over to the drain, past the cemetery. Hmm, drains, cemeteries, spooky.
The drain is a nice double round concrete pipe drain. No one had tagged outside of it recently, it has of course been painted over.
Inside the drain there is nothing particularly unexpected. The drain winds in around a corner to the left, up under the street, then to the right, under the park by the hospital. There�s no special graff till you get to the first cross chamber. There are some basic tags by interstate drain explorers, remarkably few. Probably because the drain is so damn basic that nobody much bothers to explore it. There was a tag from a Barbara we think, something like that, a girl�s name. Her tag is also in the Blue drain.
The drain gets lower after the second cross chamber, we didn�t bother to go further because low drains really piss us off. It really kills your back having to explore stoopy drains. In addition the air in this drain is quite bad.
The unexciting second chamber.
Drains can be subject to methane producing slime and flash floods. We suggest you don�t take it up. Drain exploration can cause grazed knees and humiliation. Dangerous gangs of Furbies roam the City�s drains, armed with batons and broken glass, ready to waylay you for your spare change. Hey would we lie to you?
Do NOT enter drains. Read this warning!
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