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About New page about this site.
Default Old no longer used default page
Email Email contact page
Highlights Page highlighting the best features of this web site - Graphically intensive
Index The front page for the site
Newindex The main interface to the site featuring the UA City graphic and links to other pages
Oldindex The older more graphically intensive interface to the site.
reviewers A page with information for students who may review this site
Search Site search engine
Sitemap This page
Video Videos page with access to all videos on this site
Who Small amount of information on site creator
2002worldtrip An introductory page about the trip with links to all trip pages
cities Some opinions about the cities I visited
centenaire The abandoned underground station on the Charleroi subway.
champeau Another abandoned railway station in Charleroi.
chet An abandoned elevated railway station.
pensee Abandoned subway station in Belgium.
journal-toronto Journal of my stay in Toronto.
toronto Explorations of Toronto including a train - more to come.
journal-liverpool Journal of my stay in Liverpool.
journal-london Journal of my stay in London.
liverpool Explorations of the Williamson's tunnels in Liverpool.
london1-bunker Explorations of the Cane Hill Bunker in Croyden, London.
london2-rail An abandoned railway in the south of London including an abandoned station.
london3-asylum The tunnels beneath a still active mental asylum.
paris1 The first of several pages I expect to do on the Paris Catacombs.
germany A massive factory complex in Germany which had an indoor forest.
Italy - more to come
Netherlands - more to come
glasgow Kirklee to Stobcross abandoned railway tunnels and station.
glasgow2 The superb and stunning abandoned Botanic Gardens station and tunnels.
glasgow3 The equally excellent London Road abandoned platforms in Glasgow .
journal-Glasgow Journal of my stay in Glasgow.
chicago1-mental The semi abandoned mental hospital at Manteno, Illinois.
chicago2-mall The long abandoned Blues Brothers / Dixie mall in Illinois - more to come.
cincinnati-1and2 The entrance and stations 1 and 2 of the abandoned Cincinnati Subway railway.
cincinnati-3 Station 3 of the Cincinnati subway with its' nuclear bomb shelter.
cincinnati-4 The final and largest abandoned subway station of the Cincinnati Subway tunnels.
detroit1-mcs Michigan Central Station. A brilliant and massive abandoned building in Detroit.
detroit2-fisher The Fisher Body Works, an abandoned car manufacturing factory in Detroit.
ftwayne Places explored in Fort Wayne Indiana including an abandoned station.
gary Several brilliant places I explored in Gary Indiana including an abandoned theater
journal-chicago Journal of my stay in Chicago.
journal-cincinnati Journal of my stay in Cincinnati.
journal-detroit Journal of my stay in Detroit.
journal-ftwayne Journal of my stay in Fort Wayne.
Journal-Gary Journal of my stop in Gary.
journal-la Journal of my stay in Los Angales.
journal-newyork Journal of my stay in New York.
journal-psu Journal of my stay in State College.
journal-stlouis Journal of my stay in Saint Louis.
journal-vt Journal of my stay in Blacksburg.
la-mall The worlds largest abandoned mall complex in Los Angales.
la-ucla The UCLA steam tunnels in Los Angales.
newyork1-carrier Urban Exploration at sea - a giant aircraft carrier explored in New York.
newyork2-submarine Urban Exploration under the sea - a submarine.
newyork3-subway Exploring the abandoned Cedar Street subway in Newark New Jersey.
newyork4-tunnel The tunnel from the movie Dark Days, also known as 'Freedom Tunnel'.
penstateuni Pennsylvania State University college tunnels.
penstateuni2 Pennsylvania State University machine rooms.
stlouis1-armour An incredible and stunning abandoned building from Saint Louis.
stlouis2-carbon Another brilliant abandoned building in Saint Louis.
virginiatech The Virginia Tech college tunnels
2004 World Trip
2004 World Trip Main page of the 2004 World Trip
Calgary Calgary, Alberta Canada - Exploring drains with Anymouse.
Rochester Exploring the Rochester New York abandoned subway. With no torch!
St Louis Some deatils of abandoned buildings found in St Louis.
Armour2004 My 2004 trip to the Armour building in St Louis
Toronto I went to Toronto for OPEX 94, an international meeting or urban explorers
Don Valley The Don Valley Brick Works in Toronto
Toronto Drain A large drain in Toronto we all explored
2006 Trip
2006 Trip Main page of the 2006 trip
Colorado Missile silo exploration in Colorado
Gillman Exploring the abandoned town of Gillman Colorado.
Hawaii Mostly touristy stuff I saw in Hawaii
OPEX 96 OPEX 86 held in Vancouver Canada
Ships Trip taken on an ocean going ship
adum Bridge room Dum Dum De Dum. 1 photo
atwbr Ted Whitten's Bridge Room. 10 photos
blazeoflight Superb night photos of the UA City skyline. 8 photos
bridgerooms The main bridge rooms page
citylink A walk through of UA City's new road tunnel with 24 photos
dodgy The dodgy bridge from hell with massive holes in the deck
industrial A bridge and rail tunnel located in the industrial land near UA City's port. 13 photos
landscape Industrial landcape under a UA City bridge room with arty photos
partybr A bridge room where a party has been held
rail A couple of stone bridges.
towers Climbing up the inside of the towers as featured in Blaze of Light. Stunning images
a_pound Pound bend water diversion tunnel
aaindex Above ground Index
afcock Feral Cock, an old armory.
anbrick2 The inner city brickworks.
anubrick Main page of the massive outer city brickworks.
anubrick1 The main shed of the brickworks.
anubrick2 The gantry and pyramid of the brickworks -
anubrick3 The trashed administration building at the brickworks
anubrick4 Auxiliary buildings at the brickworks and the quarry
asalmon The now demolished Salmon street industrial estate
asilos The inner city silos, with great views from the top
bigbrick Another massive brickworks - many excellent images
brickworks The main brickworks interface with great pics - almost redundant
citypower The main page to the massive UA City power station
citypowermain The main section of the power station with the huge boilers and generators
citypowersupp The support buildings of the power station
crackernight A fun night exploring buildings and throwing crackers
gps The old Geelong Power Station
industrailgiant The best new building of this centuary! Huge site in 9 sections
mcvay The superb Mc Vay Memorial college complex - many great images
newbrick A small newly abandoned brickworks
pipeworks UA City cement and pipe works - now demolished
pipeworks1 UA City cement and pipe works - The main shed
pipeworks2 UA City cement and pipe works - Shed 2 with miniature railway
pipeworks3 UA City cement and pipe works - Shed 3
pipeworks4 UA City cement and pipe works - Amenaties
pipeworks5 UA City cement and pipe works - Office space
raildepot1 A huge abandoned rail depot and sorting shed in UA City
raildepot2 Some of the strange things found in the depot office areas
rooftops Superb images of roof topping
rooftop2 A small roof top page
school Abandoned school with some great images
slaughter The huge abandoned meat works in the middle of nowhere
shed An abandoned rural shearing shed
telecom A former Telecom training school
town A whole abandoned town I explored - well part of it
ugpower An interesting underground power station and auxiliary buildings
Index Main bunkers screen showing a preview of each bunker
anzac Anzac bunker complex - about 14 images
anzac2 Revisiting the Anzac Bunker complex
cbrevisited An update on the Chowder Bay bunkers
chowder1 General information about the Chowder Bay WW2 bunkers
chowder2 A few images of the large main bunker
chowder3 Featuring some of the best images on the site of a small bunker and tower
chowder4 Two small but good bunkers and gun emplacement
chowder5 The old 1870 'Beehive" bunkers. Superb images
chowder6 The Obelisk Point bunker
henry A small restored bunker open to the public with intact cannons
laparouse A very good virtual tour of a WW2 bunker with great images
squeese Similar to above but more images and a deep underground power room
mckinley The above ground sections of the South Bay McKinley Point bunker
mckinley_u Brilliant images of the underground sections of McKinley Bunker
middleb1 Middle Bay Bunker complex1, superb images of this huge complex
middleb2 The Vietnam War era torture chambers and the Rabbit Bunker
middleb3 The old partly caved in bunker. Again, many superb images
outerbay First of a series of bunkers on Outer Bay with - danger explosive image
outerbay2 More bunkers from Outer Bay, the pre WW2 bunker and main bunker
outerbay3 The Point bunkers - great tunnels
outerbay4 More of the Point bunkers on outer bay
signal The Signal Hill bunkers
catas The main catacombs page
maps1 Maps of the Paris catacombs - deliberately old and low scale ones
thebeach Maps and images of 'The Beach' in the Paris catacombs
UACitycollege This folder also contains many single picture HTML pages not listed
credits Credits for the college tunnel part of the site
gallery Gallery of the college tunnel images of the site with 91 photos
index The main interface for the UA City College tunnel Virtual Tour
index2 New images of UA City College tunnels
main Main page for frames
map Map of UA City College tunnel system
c_colege Main college tunnels page
collocate How to locate college tunnels at your College or University
colmaps A comprehensive collection of college tunnel maps
copyright The must read page about this site's copyright conditions.
help Don't click on this link, for it does not provide help
2hellandback A superb photo study of a massive underground space
index Another series of stunning images of the biggest underground space yet
New York  
drain1 A small series of drains in upstate New York
drain2 Second drain
drain3 Third drain
draining The main UA City draining interface
d_130st 130 Steps drain with 1 photo and map
d_50th 50th and CIT drains with 22 photos and map
d_5mile 5 Mile drain with 20 photos and map
absalom New drain with 30 photos and map
abyss Abyss drain with 21 photos and map
d_albert Albert Park drain with 0 photos and map
alienmarz Alien's and Marz drains with 12 photos
d_anzac Anzac drain with 21 photos and map
anzac91 Anzac91 drain with 16 photos and map
d_greatstair Great Stairway drain with 43 photos and map
d_slothsdougo Sloths and Dougo's drains with 5 photos and map
d_badtun Bad drain with map
batcave Batcave drain with 15 photos
extention The extention to Batcave drain with 21 photos and map
batcave Batcave 2 with 12 photos and map
bigears Bigears drain with 4 photos and map
d_blades Blade's drain with 3 photos and map
blue Blue and WVH drains with 10 photos and map
d_bobs Bob's drain with 1 photo and map
d_bourbon Bourbon drain with 37 photos and map
d_127s BURP and 127 Steps drains with 3 photos
callwell Calwell drain 8 photos
chameleon Chameleon drain with 7 photos, some now classics
cpox Chicken pox drain with 14 photos
colege UA City college drain with 17 photos
d_cityv City View and Cougar's drains with 22 photos and map
d_clant Clan Tomb drain with 17 photos and map
d_coffin Coffin drain with 1 photo and map
d_dstar The superb Deathstar with 37 photos 2 diagrams and map
draindrive Driving cars through drains with 10 photos
draindrive2 As above, with 12 photos
draindrive3 Driving in a huge drain with 13 photos
d_dungeon Dungeon drain complex - northern half with 20 photos and map
d_dungs Dungeon drain complex - southern half with 3 photos and map
dwellers Dwellers drain with 24 photos and map
encenio 4 short drains in Encenio with 19 photos
d_fall Exit, Fall, Nazi, Rambo, Underpass drains with 29 photos and map
fortress Fortress drain with 30 photos
foxhole Foxhole drain with 4 photos
d_getbig Gets Bigger drain with 11 photos and map
ghosttrain Ghost Train drain with 16 photos and map
d_glasck Glass Creek drain with 25 photos and map
gobbeldox Gobbledox drain with 14 photos and map
d_god God drain with 2 photos and map
gross Gross Tomb drain with 12 photos and map
guyfawkes Guy Fawkes nuclear drain with 13 photos and map
d_happyland Happyland drain with 20 photos and map
pillars Hercs Pillars with 20 photos
d_hexadus Hexadus and Macka's drains with 10 photos and map
d_holyft Holyfoot drain with 10 photos and map
d_justvis Some drains visited but not explored
d_labyrinth The Labyrinth drain complex with 38 photos and map
lakeside Lakeside drain with 19 photos and map
madmax Mad Max drain with 3 photos of the entrance only
d_megas Mega-Stairway drain text only
minimaze Mini Maze drain with 12 photos
mitchell Mitchell's drain with 4 photos and hand drawn map
d_mponds Moonee Ponds drain with 1 photo and map
msiautobahn Main Southern Interceptor - Autobahn drain with 57 photos and map
d_north 3 Northern suburb drains with 11 photos and map
others 7 small drains with 24 photos
bumpkinland Bumpkinland drain with 6 photos and map
lurgy Lurgy drain with 5 photos and wrong map
mawson Mawson drain with 4 photos and map
nuclear The Nuclear power station drain with 2 photos and map
others Other Urbana drains
showgrounds Showground drain with 2 photos and map
sickpuppys Sick Puppy's drain with 3 photos and map
d_pollouted Pollouted drain with 17 photos and map
pumproom The Pump Room drain - the pump room only with 5 photos
queanbeyan Queanbeyan drain with 10 photos
rockytop Rockytop drain with 13 photos
secrets Secret Squirrel's drain with 23 photos and 2 maps
sewers The sewer works with 7 photos
sincity Sin City drain with 21 photos and map
skylight Skylight drain with 10 photos
d_stkil St Kilda drain with 24 photos and map
teaser Teaser drain with 9 photos and map
trinitys Trinity's drain with 5 photos
rbp The Underpass road authority drain with 12 photos and map
d_worst The worst drains I've explored with 1 photo
i_animal Animals and wildlife found in drains
i_equip Equipment useful for exploring
i_feat Features found in drains
i_funy Funny things that have happened on expeditions
i_guide Mostly redundant drain exploring guide
i_history A bit about the history of Urban Exploration
i_info The main information page interface
i_maps Maps of catacombs and college tunnels
i_newbie Information to people new to this web site
i_page Information about the making of this web site. Includes credits and disclaimer
i_preat Redundant page
i_tide Tide and weather information
ueafter911 Article about urban exploration afterSeptember 11 2001
links The main links interface page
links2 A graphical links page
Australia Australian Links
Canada Canadian Links
France French Links
Europe Links in Europe apart from France and the UK
United States Links from the UnitedStates
United Kingdom UK Links
mines Main mines interface page
mine1 A tour of the above ground workings of a mine. Lots of great photos
mine2 Two small mines and some mining ruins
plant A mine treatment works plant
news Page with the latest news for this web site - always kept up to date
news2001 Page with the news from 2001 and 2000
sitestats Statistics about the web site content etc
Death Page about the death of a drain explorer
s_asbest Comprehensive information about the dangers of asbestos
s_cspace Information about confined spaces
s_dsafe Drain exploration safety
s_gas Gases found in drains and catacombs
s_hazard Physical hazards of drain exploring
s_polute Water pollution information
s_safet The main safety interface page
s_build Safety concerns when exploring abandoned buildings
s_cata Catacomb exploration safety advice
warning Warning to would be drain explorers
buran The Russian space shuttle Buran is now abandoned in a car park.
space1 An active NASA space tracking station
space2 A former NASA space tracking station
lift A small page with pictures of lift riding
others Images that don't seem to fit anywhere else
more stuff More images that don't seem to fit anywhere else
towers A small page with a few good images of towers
survey An information packed page with results of a survey conducted on explorers
survey2 More of the survey results with charts and graphs
oldtunnel Pretty amazing rail tunnel I found by accident in bushland
railcar An old burnt out prototype rail car
railyard Old abandoned rail yard
rustonrails Rust on the rails - abandoned country railways
rustonrails1 Mainline - A small rail yard, switches and abandoned bridge
rustonrails2 Rust on the Rails 100 KM of abandoned track
rustonrails3 Turntable - Some brilliant images of an abandoned rail turntable
rustonrails4 Road to nowhere - what becomes of the busy lines?
rustonrails5 Tunnel of love - single track abandoned rail tunnel
subrail Tour of the rail tunnels of UA City's subway system
subrail2 Tour of the old abandoned tram tunnels and live rail tunnel in UA City
t_london Text and maps of abandoned subway stations in London
t_statn Virtual tour of a modern UA City subway station's behind the scenes areas
t_transt The main Transit interface page
video The majority of the videos taken during the 2002 world trip
videonew New videos taken during the 2002 world trip and in 2003 in UA city
videomelb Videos from drains around UA City
index Wav files taken from UA City drains

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