Exploring abandoned buildings is relatively safe. The main dangers are asbestos, confined spaces, falling through weak floors, toppling structures, exposed electrical cables and a few other problems.
Asbestos and Confined spaces are discussed on their own pages. Read them!
Many abandoned buildings are in a diplidated state. Some wooden floors may look secure, but if they have been eaten away by white ants or are suffering from dry rot. Beware of holes in the floors and places where the floor shows signs of fire. It may look secure above, but the supporting timbers could have burnt away underneath.
Metal floors suffering from rust can be a problem. Most metal floors are stronger and more durable than wooden ones. Rust can over time eat through a floor, leaving a thin veneer of rust which looks solid. Metal supports and bolts can also rust through.
Yes, abandoned buildings occasionally fall over! If the place is really old and diplidated it can be unstable. In areas where vandalism is prevalent damaged walls may be unstable. If the wall is missing bricks, has debris at its' base or is missing cement between the bricks then it may be unstable. Having a wall come down on you is not a good thing. The weight may crush you if the impact does not kill you first.
Some beams, girders and hanging chains may also cause you injury.
Hand rails on ladders, stairs and guard rails bolted to roofs may not be secure either. Before trusting any guard rails shake them firmly to ensure that they are still stable.
Catwalks often have the flooring made from metal plates or grilles. These are not always welded in place, some are just slid into grooves at the bottom of the catwalk. Be aware that over time some could have gone missing or may have rusted through. Always keep a firm grip on catwalk hand rails. Use a safety harness if you can afford it.
Some abandoned buildings still have power connected to them even several years after being abandoned. One hotel in the Bronx still had working lights, hot water and space heaters even three years after being shut down. Regard all cables as being live. Do not touch any expose wires or cables. Do not muck around with fuse boxes or switchboards.
Abandoned buildings attract explorers and homeless people. They also attract crime. Drug dealers, drug addicts and other less than savory people and gangs may claim an abandoned building to use as a center of operations. Be wary of any people that you may encounter in an abandoned building. If approached by anyone size them up, if they look like they are supposed to be there you might try to talk your way out of trouble by passing yourself off as engineering students or photography student. If you encounter a homeless person assure them that you mean no harm and will be on your way. If you encounter criminals, avoid them like hell but try talk your way out of trouble and assure them you'll be moving on pronto. Basically, play it by ear.
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