City Subway
I recently visited part of older UA City to explore some of the rail tunnels dating back to the 1930s. Information I had indicated there were some old and unfinished rail tunnels under the city. Some lead down to a huge flooded tunnel, an underground lake. Others had been once used a tram tunnels. With me on this trip was the Red Hands, another group of explorers I have done a few expeditions with.
The entry into the disused train tunnels was freaky. It required two team members running past 4 video cameras, down a used rail tunnel and up over a 4 metre wire fence. All the time we were worried about getting caught. It was a very real worry. More images from this trip are on the Red Hands page.
My companions for the night - Puppet Master, Sine Wave, RC1, Belfore and Flash
We enter the tunnel with RC1 and Belfore in the lead. The Puppet Master checks if anyone is following us
Me standing in the tunnel
The Puppet Master and I pose in the tunnel
Sine Wave shows off his hands after climbing a 4 metre high fence
Small control and signaling booth under ground
The Puppet Master, Belfore, RC1 and Flash pose at the old signal box
Disused fire extinguisher in safety alcove
Look at the size of the place, you can just make out 2 people in this picture
A big air extraction fan
The rail tunnel ends at a rock wall with a gap in the top. You have to climb up to squeese through to the passage to the underground lake. When trains go through the adjoining tunnels, air rushes through the small gap at the top of the ladder.
Puppet Master on the ladder pulling a disco pose
Sine Wave on the ladder
Belfore on the ladder with RC1 on the left
The Fan we had to squeese past
Sine wave and the fan
Excuse the poor quality of the image, there wasn't much light down there.
Belfore standing in the lake, try guess what he's doing. :-)
This vent led just 2 metres into a live train tunnel running by this one.
Likewise, this tunnel led to another live rail tunnel. Just after this image was taken, a train roared by, forcing air through this tunnel. RC1 and Flash had to duck and hold on as air rushed past them. Above the spot where this image was take a giant shaft ascends up to basement level where a bunker for Mcaurther was located during World War 2
RC1 and Belfore having a rest in the tunnel
We took seats where we could
On the way out
The guys chat in the darkness
In the tunnel are piles of gravel, stored for ballast.
Detail of track points
The Puppet Master struggles successfully to lift an old railway wheel set.
Belfore lifts the wheels while Flash is about to add some extra weight
RC1 takes his turn - there was a lot of dust in the air.
The tunnel stretches into the distance
The signs reads 'Do Not Remove' would we do that?
The tunnel, the tracks can barely be seen
Kilroy was here!
Electric switching relays and fuse system.
Walking back to the way out
This looks like the way out up here
Old now walled up part of the station
The door in the
wall ahead is the exit.
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