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Flame0ut attempts to free us from the stairway in which we are locked.

City Hall

One day, which happened to be a holiday, a small group of us decided to make a little run through Barrie city hall. That small group would have been no less than Flame0ut, Beastangel and myself.
Everything appeared to be locked up, until we went around to the back side of the building and found an unlocked door -- so, of course, we let ourselves in. After a brief stop in the lobby we proceeded to the elevators where we made fools of ourselves. Once we had played with a few of the elevators we found that they would not go past the second floor without a key or some such thing. Slightly deterred, we got off at the second floor and went in search of a fire escape or any other type of staircase to get us higher. The entire floor was vacant, much like the rest of the building seemed to be. Shortly after we exited the elevator we found a staircase that looked good as any. All of us entered -- not checking if it was locked from the inside -- and entering without any caution was a silly mistake. The door to the stairs locked and the stairway only led down; no roofing for us. We took a good long look at the door at the bottom, checking for alarms et al, found nothing, and then decided to just push it open and run if anything bad happened (like a loud alarm). To our dismay, daylight greeted us! There ended our journey into the evil that is Barrie City Hall.
Some time later we went back, when it was open to the public (for the most part). We once again entered the elevator, but this time it went to the ninth floor where we got off and looked around for roof access, we found what we were looking for... however, the door was locked and we were lacking proper tools. We determined there was nothing to do but go back down, so we did. Eventually we left, but not until we were found in an employee only area... we had been trying the doors in the stairwell at each floor as we went down and finally found one that opened into Municipal Works or some such thing. Not any dull, public-access, "sign-in-at-the-counter" area, though -- but rather a small break room, with a refrigerator and coffee machine, tucked amongst the back offices. We thought it would be easier to take the elevators down so we headed back to the public access area at the front desk. As we appeared from the offices and passed behind them, some secretary asked us what we were doing, we said we were looking for the lobby and she told us how to get back, so we then left.

The end?

-Asher Archive

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