Urban Exploration - Behind the Keep Out sign
News from 2001 - news for 2002 is here
28 December
Completely renovated the links pages. Now organised links into geographical regions. Will verify links.
17 November
A few updates before heading off on holiday.
Updated the site map
Added more images of the Anzac bunker complex including live ammo we found and Chowder Bay
I wrote an article about September 11 and it's effect on Urban Exploration.
10th November 2001
just about to go on holidays, 1 more week. I will be unreachable via email
(or anything else for that matter) from the 17th November.
I discovered from site statistics that this web site has become reading material in a Canadian Sociology subject. I hope the students visiting the site don't form generalized opinions of Urban Explorers. From statistics that I have gathered and from online discussions with other explores I have found that most Urban Explorers are well educated, have regular jobs but share the urge to explore. I myself have Bachelors of Business, Management and Computing.
A small milestone was reached today, seemingly insignificant, and not visible on the site, I completed the 1,000th hour of site maintenance and construction. All my own work.
And, something which has been online for almost forever but which I forgot to link to:
The Urban Exploration Guide. As created in 1998. Once again all my own work. Chances are that you may have read some of this, as much of it is online in the information and safety section. Apparently a lot of it has been plagiarized by other web sites and even a book. The zip file holds a Word 95 document, virus free.
27th October 2001
Urban Exploration and Adventure has been almost brought to a halt world wide due to the events of the 21st of September 2001. As can be seen, I have not been doing much exploring since then. But I did find a nice new abandoned brickworks that looks like it has only been abandoned for a month or so.
I have also got a lot more involved in rural exploration which is less invasive and less less dodgy than urban exploration. I bring you pictures of a shearing shed I explored. Rural exploration involves quite a few road trips.
Updated the silos, with new pictures.
I seem to be getting
a lot of visitors from of all places, Spain and China.
Saludos a toda la
gente Española que visita este sitio. Sé hablar Español, pero no muy bien.
Si usted desea traducir el sitio de Inglés al Español, - haga
clic aquí
If emailing me in November and you don't get a reply, please be patient, I will be on holiday.
13th October 2001
Not much exploring, been saving my pennies for a well deserved holiday. And here's one I prepared earlier.
29th September
Opened a new sister site called UrbanExploration.org. Go take a look.
21 September 2001
I suppose out of sympathy, shock and stunned amazement from the events in New York and Washington, I have not been active over the past 2 weeks. However, some more back logged stuff went online today. The Dodgy bridge from Hell was a small Indiana Jones like bridge I found on my travels. I also found an amazing Old railway tunnel by accident.
8th September 2001
bandwidth theft software is up and running. If you see an image such as
this one, then the person displaying the image has tried to direct link to
my web
site. This is automated software.
September 2001
Motivated by seeing a smelting works from Pittsburgh on another web site I have put online the Pipeworks. A great abandoned building site with some pretty amazing scenery. Includes the hard core tower climb and some pretty cool equipment left in the admin buildings. Sadly it is due to be demolished at the end of this month.
I've also been updating my links pages and put the updated Catacomb links page online.
31 August 2001
Did some minor behind the scenes updates. Notably for IE4 or better visitors, I've added a nice fade effect. Also updated my contact email and will be not using my old hotmail account from September.
Added a FAQ for the Media and people wanting to conduct interviews with me
25 August 2001
The site has been down today due to server problems. :( I hope it gets back up soonest!
I added a bit about one of my other passions; abandoned railways. I love exploring them. These are some of my favorite images that I have taken of abandoned railways that I have taken over a 2 year period. I have many more images that I will put online some time. Like most of my exploration today, this was done on mostly public land, and I asked permission to enter private land.
Also today, for your viewing pleasure, a nice bridge room where a party or two have been held.
And, interesting fact of the week: There are 3504 Urban Exploration related images on this site not including the link pages images.
19 August 2001
I have been experiencing some severe problems with bandwidth theft from livejournal.com. If you are a livejournal.com visitor, please email me or in the future you may not be able to visit this web site anymore.
I have installed bandwidth theft reduction technology on all directories. If you experience problems accessing that directory, please email me. You should enter this site via http://UrbanExploration.Org or http://www.UrbanExploration.Org to avoid this problem.
18 August 2001
UA City college tunnel images
taken just recently are now online. Also, an abandoned
school and an abandoned training
center, a small page about Towers and
finally added some pics to the Stuff page.
Also updated 50th,
God and MSI
Autobahn drains with new photos.
10 August 2001
Still have the flu. Updated the drain warning page and death of a drainer page. This was to add the hydrology information mainly and to increase the level of warning to would be drainers.
8 August 2001
Got the flu today so I'm stuck at home. Decided to maybe do a small update of some more back logged stuff. Hence - the mine treatment plant. I have not added it to the site map yet because I'm too ill.
Seems there are lots of people out there stealing images from my site and others, which is a pity as most often UE web developers would be very happy to lend you an image, if you ask first. This has meant the copyright page has been updated yet again.
4 August 2001
Today because the weather was again poor I added some more back logged stuff. A walk through of UA City's new below river link tunnel. The McKinlay Point bunkers, The abandoned rail yard and lastly another small rooftopping page.
29th July 2001
Big week end of updates adding backlogged stuff. Added pictures I had from earlier this year of the abandoned Rail Depot in the heart of UA City, Roof Topping and The Abandoned Town
You can tell the weather was crap today because I also added an extra drain and Bunkers 1, 2 and 3 of the Middle Bay bunker network. Including the Rabbit bunker.
28 July 2001
Added a Search engine to the site and a full and complete site map. They make locating information a lot easier than before. Also updated the Newbies info page and the Fortress drain page.
22 July 2001
The site is all back online. Some additional pages will be added soonish. The first of these are the new Web site Highlights page which features a visual guide to the best the site has to offer. The two Space pages of an active and an abandoned space tracking station.
1 July 2001
Most of the site is currently off line, the exception being the Safety and Information advice pages. The rest of the site will be back online by Mid to late July 2001.
4 May 2001
Added some stunning images from some trips under UA City's older rail network. The disused rail sidings and underground lake, and the old tram tunnels leading into live rail tunnels. Considering putting some images of a now disused NASA tracking station online. Wonder if there's much call for it?
20th April 2001
Been updating many pages to reduce image sizes to make room for new pages. Now open to the public, the impressive Pit of Hell and Noah's Ark pages! Must see images. Pics of a short (hmm relatively) trip I took on a boat.
7th April 2001
Updated some links pages. Got some images of more Sydney bunkers and St James train tunnels to come online soon.
March 2001
Lots of new stuff now online. Mc Vay College, City Brickworks 2, a very impressive underground power station, a little bit about lift riding, update to Dwellers drain and Hexadus drain. Many more backlogged stuff to come.
19th February 2001
Added some backlogged stuff from year 2000 and some new stuff.
Added Henry Head bunker and bunkers 1 to 5 of the Outer Bay Bunkers - bunkers 5 - 8 coming soon.
Added the new Mines section with some really good images of the oldest working gold mine in the state.
Added some images of a country bridge, and an Industrial heartland bridge with tunnel
5th February 2001
Large new sections of the Brickworks and Power station added.
Got some positive feedback on the new interface, most people seem to like it.
Removed about 340 broken links from the site with help from a friend.
1st February 2001
A new interface is being tried, the old interface is still available here.
Many parts of the web site that were off-line, are now back online! Thanks to the generosity of other urban explorers who have donated web hosting space to me. I have been able to secure some temporary hosting for the almost 100 MB of files that this site comprises of. My thanks to those who donated the web space.
The new colour scheme was adopted as many people another the old colour scheme can be difficult to view with older or dim monitors. Most text is white on black, or in the information and safety pages, black on white. I appreciate this sort of feedback, as it makes the web site better for all to view.
3rd January 2001
For some unknown reason, my former hosting at Fortunecity has been removed from the web. Apparently 'I' contacted them and asked that it be removed. Since I did not do this, I can only presume some one else did this.
This means that I am moving the site to my private hosting service here at UrbanExploration.Org. I was doing this anyway. However, this will mean that many sections of the site will be off-line until I am able to upload them to the Internet, and fix the relative links.
Decided to create a new copyright page due to the increasing number of bastards out there stealing information and images from my web site.
Plus found a nice new abandoned building I will feature here.
New drain reports:
Start work on updating and overhauling site
Older news from way back to 1996 has been removed - no longer relevant.
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